Marine Corps radar technicians with the Early Warning Control Crew install the arms of the Ground/Air Task Oriental Radar during a Weapons and Tactics Instructor Course exercise Sept. 16, 2015, at Cannon Air Defense Complex (P111), Yuma, Ariz. G/ATOR is a next-generation radar that provides air surveillance/air defense, counter-fire target acquisition, and air traffic control capabilities. The G/ATOR team at Program Executive Officer Land Systems recently received the Defense Department’s David Packard Award in Acquisition Excellence for their efforts to get the system ready for fielding. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Summer Dowding) - Marine Corps radar technicians with the Early Warning Control Crew install the arms of the Ground/Air Task Oriental Radar during a Weapons and Tactics Instructor Course exercise Sept. 16, 2015, at Cannon Air Defense Complex (P111), Yuma, Ariz. G/ATOR is a next-generation radar that provides air surveillance/air defense, counter-fire target acquisition, and air traffic control capabilities. The G/ATOR team at Program Executive Officer Land Systems recently received the Defense Department’s David Packard Award in Acquisition Excellence for their efforts to get the system ready for fielding. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Summer Dowding)